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Mailing List

   The mailing list is standard for members. If you want to be a member you must join this mailing list.  And to make me happy you must email the list at least once a month so we can know you are alive.  Remember there is only one topic at the Comic Core, comic books. So you can practically write anything as long as it is not too far out there. And please if you are going to reply to an email make it more than two sentences. Not just "you suck, bye". You look stupider than if you didn't post in the first place.  This is a discussion list, you write a email to the list everyone subscribed will get it.

Joining The Mailing List:

1)  First, make sure you are signed up to Onelist.  If not go to  ONELIST.COM and become a registered user.  

2)  Onelist will give you a 5 minute registration form to fill out and then they send you a confirmation email.

3)  Join the list by clicking on this link. It will bring you to were you sign up(Onelist might ask for your email and password) 

4)  The one sure way to know you are is emailing the list at  with a short introduction of yourself.  If u find the same email in you Inbox it means you are subscribed.

5)  Go NUTS!!!!