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Renato Carneiro
Rio de Janeiro, AKA Paradise with lost bullets flying around.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I downloaded it, but still didn't tried the damned thing.
Same as above
Published Work:

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What I Recommend:

In My Opinion...

Strange Fact About Yourself:

Final Words...

Nothing worth mentioning here.

Later, ok? I have lots of characters, but not enough room here.

Anything by Alan Moore, Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman;
and drawn by Jim Lee. JLA now that it's cool. Lots of other stuff.

I can write very well in portuguese but I'm just beginning in english.  The problem is that my grammar and my spelling still suck.  I draw better than most pros in DC and Marvel (not a great advantage, since most of them... well, you read, you know). I'm  more or less at inking. Still learning.  I can colour as good as most image books in photoshop, and I paint a little.

Anything Alan Moore is writing now. I don't have a favorite genre, but most of what I read in comics is horror, super-heroes and Sci-Fi.

Moebius, Manara, Serpieri, Jim Lee, Jae Lee, Alex Ross, Ryiochi Ikegami, Mike Deodato (in Wonder Woman), Byrne (when he was in the X-Men).

Moore, Miller, Gaiman, Will Eisner, Didiér Comes.

Casablanca, Conan the Barbarian, Spartacus The Great Dictator and Citizen Kane.

Earn a living with comics. I worked with design, but I'm unemployed right now, and dedicating my time to better myself in comics.

Little known stuff, right? Love and Rockets, Maus, Silence (Didier Comes).

They should never screw Hal Jordan the way they did. Kyle Reyner sucks.  Green Lantern now became a lame parody of the New Universe Star Brand, and that was a poor copy of Green Lantern to begin with.

I was a cable in the army (artillery). I can shoot with almost anything and I'm very good at it. But I think we should melt all the guns. Peace."...If not the love then it is the bomb who will take us away"...

I would like to know who else is in the list, and if possible know something about them (and you, List Owner). I'll send some samples of my work later. First I'll have to find the time to save it in 72 DPI